Posts Tagged ‘Digital Marketing’

The Importance of SEO and Digital Marketing During the COVID-19 Outbreak

April 13th, 2020

The world we live in is facing a massive shift in priorities as well as protocol due to the deadly coronavirus outbreak that has made the world come to a standstill. With many businesses having to temporarily close down their doors and others working in a limited capacity, the future of the economic world hangs in the balance as there seems no near end in sight to this pandemic. During all of this, businesses are turning to digital marketing even more than ever. Digital marketing agencies all over the world are coming up with strategies on how best to serve their clients during this time that will give a long term benefit to them in the post-COVID-19 world.

Here are some ways businesses can make use of digital marketing during this time –

Business Updates

In times of uncertainty, your customers want to hear from you more than ever. If your business is operating with limited resources, communicate that with your customers through a blog post or email marketing. Let them know that you are still operational and how they can contact you with their issues during this time. You can also share important offers with them to help them out during this time.

Google My Business

GMB updates are crucial for any local SEO of a business. There are many businesses that have temporarily closed. It is important to update your business page as temporarily closed so that you do not continue to get calls from customers with orders. If you are operational but your timings have changed, it is very important to make these changes in your GMB page so that you don’t leave your customers in a confusion.

Gain Competitive Advantage

There is a good chance that the competitors that have been ahead in the game from you would have paused their digital marketing activities during this time. By keeping your SEO and social media activities going, you can create a gap between you and them in the search rankings during this time period. You can check organic search trends to see which terms are being searched the most and can create content around that to gain more organic traffic.

Keeping Social Media Presence Up

Businesses should never underestimate the power of social media. In tough times like these, social media presence is especially important to let your customers know you are there and what you are doing. For example, if you are doing any sort of charity work or helping out your staff that cannot work, there is no shame in sharing that with your followers on social media to grow your goodwill. The same goes for just giving out socially conscious messages to your followers about keeping themselves safe during this time.

Audit Your Website

This is also a good time to focus on your website for any technical issues and to do a check of all the content assets you have. During the day to day operations, your website’s health, as well as maintenance, can take a back seat. Now that you have the time for it, do a thorough audit of your website for any technical SEO and non-SEO issues. Do a speed test to ensure the loading time of your pages is good. Make sure to update all relevant schema markup to go with any changes in your business. A content audit will help you know which piece of content needs to be updated and which is performing best for you.

Write More and Publish More

This is also a good time to create new relevant content for your website. This is the time when people in lockdown across the world will look for interest articles in their niche to read about to grow their knowledge. Show your industry expertise to those readers by creating helpful content for them that will draw traffic. The content published during this time can bring you great benefits in months to come when the world begins to reach normally hopefully.

Continue Gaining Customers

Regardless of the conditions today, there are still customers out there who are looking for products or services that you may be offering. While other traditional marketing techniques have been halted, digital marketing can still continue to rope in those customers for you. This will keep the business moving in a positive direction that will help you keep your staff paid. Identify which digital marketing agency you have gained the best results from in the past and capitalize on them.

Looking Ahead

As the world has now entered the fourth month of this global pandemic, the future holds a lot of uncertainties for businesses and customers alike. While we are all keeping a positive and hopeful attitude, continuing the digital marketing efforts for businesses might be what makes the difference between which businesses would survive and thrive after the dust settles.

Digital Marketing Trends to look out for in 2019

February 5th, 2019

In order to reduce the stress of the growing complexity, a side effect that our ever-evolving technology has bestowed upon us, many of us at the start of every year make resolutions where we pledge to keep our tech stacks lean and mean for the coming year. However, these resolutions, just like our other ones, give way to the latest technological interventions that promise better results from previous years.

The good news is, one doesn’t have to plan a budget by indulging in self-deprivation or impracticality so as to acquire newer technologies. All one needs is to act smartly while having an implementation strategy and ensuring that you are empowered to take advantages of the latest marketing technologies.

The reality, however, is that the digital marketing industry of today is in a constant state of disruption from tech companies innovating at a fast pace. And as we progress further in 2019, a quick review of some of these emerging technologies might be in your company’s best interests. Here is a sneak peek on some such digital marketing trends that have aimed to rule our online world this year.

Several Digital Marketing Trends 2019 are:

Voice Activated Search

Undoubtedly, voice search will play a major role in our day-to-day behaviors. And companies who are aligning their offers with voice technology will capture the majority of the market. Though a majority of internet users are still unaware of everything a voice search can do, its prominence in smart devices will surely rise in 2019.

Visual Search

Another upcoming form of search is visual search which enables consumers to capture photos of their desired products with the help of smartphones in order to help locate similar items within a given store’s inventory. With unlimited application possibilities, it would be fascinating to see where this visual search takes us in 2019.

Video Marketing

So what kind of content did you consumed the most last year? Images? Blogs? Videos? Most probably videos. Convert it into marketing, invest your time and effort in making vernacular language based videos on YouTube to help increase your brand visibility on the internet. Videos are something that will continue to dominate in 2019 and beyond.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is another pivotal trend to watch out for in 2019. Almost half the industry users are already using AI in some form, a number bound to increase more than a quarter this year. It’s no wonder that Artificial Intelligence is providing enhanced analytics to assist online marketers in efficiently planning and executing campaigns.

Instagram Advertising

Instagram is one of those social media channels that is continuously soaring high in organic reach. Where last year was all about shifting businesses to Instagram, this year will be more about Instagram stories, Instagram content marketing, and Instagram advertising. If you haven’t taken this platform seriously, do it now.


Another one to dive deeply into the massive social media market is chatbots. Chatbots, by 2020 is expected to empower more than one-third of all customer service interactions. In addition to the progress in conversational interfaces, we are experiencing huge advancements in hyper-personalized experiences as well.

Augmented Reality

No doubt online shopping offers comfort and convenience but wait till you get the wrong fit and the hassle of returning and reordering. AR technology is one such that has helped brands solve this issue. Be assured that in the coming months, you will see advertisers continue to push the boundaries of AR innovation. Be ready to hop on this train.

Machine Learning

A subsidiary of AI, Machine Learning mainly focusses on machines’ ability to learn by themselves with the help of algorithms which they modify to learn more about the data sets they are processing. This year too Machine Learning is expected to take contextual content and marketing automation to whole new levels of speed and accuracy.


Above are mentioned some of the hottest digital marketing trends that will gain (or continue to gain) major marketing ground in 2019. Just make sure your enterprise’s digital maturity matches your appetite for all of these wonderful advances in technology. So, get ready to embrace these emerging technologies and advertising formats that will thrive in 2019.

Digital Marketing Trends that will Hold Sway in 2018

April 23rd, 2018

With the unfolding of modern technologies, businesses whether small or large scale, are doing everything in their power to match up, be it bringing their brick and mortar businesses to an online platform or escalating the current marketing strategies with the help of digital marketing techniques. But whatever the effort, the central idea behind every marketing technique will always be the same, to capture the attention of as many viewers as possible.

For it is this process of attracting audiences (whether online or offline) that will differentiate a successfully thriving business from a failed one. And I am not talking about receiving tons of daily traffic as it will be equally useless if you are unaware of the art of converting leads into sales. What I am talking is identifying and keeping up with the current trends in digital marketing that will hold sway in 2018 to unleash its full potential. But what are these trends we should keep up to? Let’s find out –

Video Marketing

I understand video marketing is nothing new, but it is certainly proving itself to be one of the most powerful tools of digital marketing now more than ever. And it seems convenient as well, I mean why spend 15 mins reading an article when you can watch its video in 2 mins. But that’s not all,

  • Videos attract viewers like magnets and that’s why search engines love videos.
  • Using a video to promote your brand will triple your chances with conversions.
  • Implementing video strategy into your email marketing campaigns will dramatically increase open rates along with decreasing unsubscribe rates.
  • Eye-catching videos bore much higher chance of getting shared by consumers.


Brands have relied on semi-intelligent chatbots for user engagement for a long time now, but chats, with the help of Artificial Intelligence, are about to take digital marketing strategies to a whole new level this year. For e.g. we can expect chatbots to better understand users’ inquiries via Natural Language Processing Technology.

Also, chatbots are being upgraded to offer more human-like responses while interacting with customers. By offering a standardized customer service, interactive bot plays the key role when it comes to improving your site’s design and architecture for marketing purposes.

Social Media Advertising

2017 was the year you could have expected organic reach to provide steady traffic and customer engagement but those days are long gone since. Now, in order to gain any traction, you must advertise on social media. Unfortunately, it’s an expensive process. Though it doesn’t seem much expensive when you consider the Return on Investment which is roughly around 11 times more as compared to traditional digital marketing strategies. Nevertheless, this advertising cost is something you will have to bear if you wish to offer seamless UX to your visitors.

Voice Optimization

In 2017, you must have come across certain virtual assistants such as Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana etc. Well, this year there contribution to digital marketing is only going to get sky high with over 60 million people currently using these digital assistants in the US alone. Moreover, in coming years, websites optimized for text-based searches will give way to voice-based queries.

Personalised Marketing

As the year 2018 is progressing, so is the need to personalize the shopping experience of consumers. Automation has always been used as an effective marketing tool to help branch out people according to their behaviors, interests, and demography. Now, digital marketing is ready to take one step further by providing a personalized experience throughout the customer’s buying journey. Below are listed some such tips to help you with personalization,

  • Using customized landing pages for different campaigns.
  • Recommending products and services based on purchase history.
  • Analysing visitor’s behavior and sending out lead nurturing emails accordingly.
  • Offering customized games and other interactive features.
  • Conduct personalized surveys and offer rewards for completing it.

Content Marketing

Content marketing will continue to gain even more importance this year and with it, the creation and distribution of content will also change radically. Some of these changes include laying more emphasis on remarketing technique to help with lead generation, creating more niche content that is extremely in-depth or creative, producing shorter and visually rich content to meet the ‘shorter than goldfish’ attention span of millennials, offering complete transparency with brand advertising and much more.


The time has come to shed old techniques and replace them with tools and strategies that will bring your business some jaw-dropping results. With the help of these above-mentioned trends, you will not only tell unique stories about your brand to your audiences but will also be able to provide astonishing experiences to your target customers. Though for this to happen, you too will have to keep a close eye on the latest features of the popular marketing platforms to create innovative campaigns for your audience.

E-Commerce Marketing Tactics for Driving Traffic to your Webstore

March 9th, 2018

So, finally, you have created your e-commerce webstore and set-up your social media profile. Now what? No audience seems to be flocking to your site with cash in hand as you might have expected. In fact, creating your website and social media presence is only the first and most probably the easiest step towards driving traffic to your store.

The rest is a long and tiring journey that can take ages to complete, extracting a large chunk out of your investments along the way.

Just kidding…

But it isn’t piece of cake either, simply knowing where to start while creating a winning digital marketing strategy for ecommerce can get pretty tricky in itself and the only thing harder than marketing your e-commerce store effectively is trying to do it with outdated ineffective techniques.

One thing to understand here is, when it comes to ecommerce marketing tactics, there are good ways and there are better ways. There are also bad ways that should be avoided at all costs. Don’t worry, here we will try to cover every possible tactic to help you along your journey to success. Let’s get started.

Craft your Content as Best as You can

As high-quality content entices users to continue clicking, reading and exploring, therefore creating and distributing content that is entertaining, informative and helpful to potential customers help build positive associations with your brand. Its various benefits include-

  • Content adds value to your brand
  • Helps you know your customers through feedback
  • Establishes your brand as an authority
  • Helps build a loyal customer base

Always remember, a well written, appealing content that is error-free, structured and reader-friendly demonstrates your business’s competence.

Never Underestimate the Power of Influencers

I assume you are familiar with the saying, ‘it’s not what you know but who you know that counts’. That maxim is the age-old secret for marketers trying to build awareness and loyalty for their products and services. It also safeguards your website from cynicism associated with traditional marketing and advertising methods.

Since you can back your product or services with glowing reviews from influential bloggers or with stellar celebrity endorsement, the chances of people making a purchase increase tenfold as they are often seen as genuine and authentic. Targeting influencers also let you reach out to their loyal followers or audiences.

Use KPIs to your Advantage

Establishing KPI or Key Performance Indicators should perhaps be the most important stage for your digital marketing strategy as it helps in setting strategic goals and ensures those goals remain aligned with the company’s interests. Some of the most important KPIs for digital marketing include-

  • Number of unique site visitors
  • CTR or Click Through Rate
  • Return visits to websites
  • CLV or Customer Lifetime Value
  • Total Revenue
  • ROI or Return On Investment
  • Total conversions
  • CPA or Cost Per Acquisition

Ditch the dot-com Domain Name

As the dot-com domain is getting more and more crowded these days due to the influx of online businesses with their long and confusing URLs, it only seems viable to carve out your own digital nook by ditching the dot-com domain and going for something that’s more in compliance with what you do such as dot-me (.me), dot-lifestyle (.lifestyle), dot-boutique (.boutique) etc. It’s also a great way of telling the world who you are and what you do.

Abstain from Two/Three-word Key Phrases

The problem with going for two or three-word key ranking phrases is that they are highly competitive since they tend to have high search volumes and because everybody wants a piece of the action. Unless and until, you have months to spare on it, going after key phrases that you may not stand a chance of ranking is a futile effort.

For e.g. it’s useless to rank for the term  ‘web development’ because you are a web development company as you will never be able to crack the competition among giants fighting for it. Instead, narrow it down using ‘ecommerce web development’ or even better, providing a location such as ‘ecommerce web development Los Angeles’. it will ultimately bring more targeted and organic traffic to your site compared to ‘web development’.

Unleash the Power of SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of your website through search engines. SEO is single-handedly one of the biggest factor responsible for the success of your e-commerce store, apart from generating traffic, it also enables you to turn this driving traffic into potential customers or subscribers.

Below are mentioned some such tips to improve your SEO rankings (apart from the ones mentioned above)

  1. Avoid duplicity while publishing content as you can get penalized by search engines.
  2. Do not forget to add product reviews.
  3. Instead of copy-pasting manufacturer’s product descriptions, create a unique and search engine friendly description for each product.
  4. Optimizing product images by adding related keywords into the ALT tags of every image.
  5. Keep product content only a link away from your homepage in order to make it easy for users to find products.
  6. Create unique meta-descriptions for every webpage

Getting Started

If earlier you were clueless about where to begin, now you have learned some creative and uniquely practical tactics to drive traffic to your webstore. Always remember, you should never take ecommerce marketing lightly as your sales and the overall success of your company depends on it.

What is LinkedIn sales navigator, How to use its benefits?

November 19th, 2015

Sales and marketing has been the holy grail of the digital marketing industry today. With this as background, the question is whether LinkedIn sales navigator has all the benefits it promises to offer? With a mountain of data worth gold lurking in LinkedIn, it sure promises an enormous marketing potential.

What is it and how does it Work?

Sales Navigator is a great weapon for those looking for potential prospects for their products on the LinkedIn platform. LinkedIn user community is very diverse and if targeted right, it can deliver the right results. The company aims to connect sales representatives with better prospects through their productive Sales Navigator tool having social selling at its very heart.

It is a paid service that gives you access to the relative user data as per your product.

Benefits of Sales Navigator

  • Automated Lead Suggestions – The platform gives you the best suggestions according to the search criteria. This helps immensely in the overall sales efforts. The company is constantly upgrading the suggestions algorithms to ensure the best prospects are filtered out and delivered to the users.
  • Standalone Product – Sales Navigator can be accessed through the regular LinkedIn account. However, it is also offered as a dedicated service with its very own separate login for a special sales experience. So, you can skip the normal fuss of LinkedIn and get started with the true sales aspect of the entire service.
  • InMail Messages – What if you don’t know the prospects or not connected to them already? There’s a way out now. You can search the LinkedIn network deeper and better with this tool and a premium account.
  • Merge Salesforce Contacts – Users can import the current contacts from their Salesforce account. They can be used to better search the existing database of users and find potential prospects. Microsoft Dynamics can also be integrated in Sales Navigator. It is so much better than cold calling with the potential to use your entire contact itinerary.
  • Connect a Template – Wish to interact with a large list of contacts? You can use a template and send it to the list with a customized message. Changes can be made to the template and the users still experience personalized messages that certainly helps in the marketing efforts.
  • Premium Profile Options – Social selling is the core foundation of the premium option. When you go premium, you have access to a wide range of premium features that help in the overall marketing efforts. Background images and premium large head shots are some benefits you avail.

Yes, it’s a premium offering with prices starting at $79.99 per month. However, the benefits far outweigh the cons since you get access to one of the best user database in the world along with a host of other sales and marketing tools.

How to leverage social media for link building?

August 31st, 2015

As link building continues to take the spotlight, it’s crucial for any business wanting to thrive in the online world to leverage the benefits offered by social media. The same platforms you use to post hilarious cat memes and pictures of your weekend gateway are also a powerful online marketing tool. Businesses have the opportunity to grab the attention of billions of potential customers, that’s right – billions.

How do you get great links? You create content. Not just any content, great content. To share great content, it is important for people to know that it exists. If you have a brand-new website, chances are, it isn’t ranking high in search engines. So, if people are unable to find you via search, how will they find great content you created? Answer: Through social media.

Social media can be a powerful link building tool and if you are not using it, you could be missing out on some awesome opportunities. Below is the quick summary of how to leverage social media for link building:

Keep tabs on brand mentions and ask for links

Tools like Tweetdeck can help you monitor the social world and allow you to find users talking about your brand whilst also giving you an opportunity to engage with them. After locating such users, a little research will disclose whether or not they have websites/blogs. Engage with users that do and ask them if they are willing to provide you with a link.

Look for opportunities on your Facebook page

Just like Twitter, look for users who are interacting on your wall and try engaging with them. They may not be willing to provide you with a link instantly, so it is important to maintain patience and engagement before requesting for the link.

Build relationships with those not talking about you

There may be people in your niche that aren’t familiar with your brand and as such won’t be talking about it. Use Twitter and blogs to engage with active members in your circle to generate brand awareness as well as build relationships which will help you get links in the future.

Use Guest blogging to prepare future audience

Guest blogging and the following interaction is a great way of grabbing the attention of a wider audience. It also gives you an opportunity to ‘prepare’ the future audience. The advantages of mentioning future audience in your blog post are twofold. First, your guest post will acquire links. And second, the audience mentioned in your post may now be ready to engage.

Leverage the power of your blog

Using your blog to its fullest potential can be very helpful. Flattering bloggers in your niche through top 5 lists and other such tricks can be a great way to generate backlinks to your domain.

Help people

If you come across someone in your niche asking for help or advice, reach out to them. Help will often build a relationship, and generate a link.

And that’s how you use social media to get links. It’s an engagement, a gradually developing relationship which can be rewarding in terms of link building.

How to Make an Effective Landing Page for Generating Leads?

August 7th, 2015

Want to turn traffic into conversions? Just create engaging and effective landing pages. A landing page is a primary mean of lead generation in inbound marketing. It is designed to influence a visitor to carry out a specific action. Landing pages should be carefully designed with conversion in mind.

If you look at your website home page as your landing page, then you are sadly mistaken. Why? Because a homepage is an introduction to your company’s mission, services, products, and it shows a variety of information under one roof. It would be a great intro to your business, but not very effective for eliciting specific traffic looking for a specific service or product.

Remember, when a customer searches for a specific product, it is clear that he is interested in that product. If you take your potential buyer to your home page, you are probably taking him a step backward in the purchase funnel. Providing your buyers with a simple landing page that serves their purpose of purchasing will increase your conversion rates and provide a significant ROI.

Here are a few effective tips to create effective landing pages to generate leads:

Be Simple & Straight

The landing page heading should immediately tell your audience about your services and products. This is the only job of a landing page and it must contribute toward that goal. No fluff, no catchy lines or compelling paragraphs, no links to the homepage. Just simple, but descriptive text and a prominent call-to-action.

Logo Should Be Visible

Your company’s logo should be clear and visible assuring audiences that they are in safe and reliable hands. Your company should be top-of-mind while visitors see or fill up the information on your landing page.

Visuals Should Appeal, Not Distract

Make the landing page as clutter free as possible to avoid any distraction. Use directional cues to highlight the points you want to show to your audiences, like a call-to-action. Play with some colors to lead your visitor’s eyes to the key factor of the page.

Navigation Options Should Be Limited

Too much navigation options will do no good, rather they will distract your audiences and take them elsewhere in your site. Landing pages are meant to generate qualified leads, not just for getting heavy traffic.

Add Social Proof

People understand that companies often brag about themselves, but customers never do. Social proof will allow your potential buyers to see what kind of company you are and whether or not your services are reliable. If possible, list a few partner companies along with testimonies from satisfied customers.

Ask For the Information You Really Need

Always ask for the information that really matters for your business. The form should be short and must ask for only the important details. Consider a few things like whether you really need to have two fields for names or complete street address. You need to make it as convenient as possible for your customers so that they show ”thumbs up” to your offer.

Look Legit

You surely don’t want to look like a phishing scam. That’s why, it is vital to use security seals to assure your visitors that their personal information is safe and secure. You can even try linking your privacy policy. Pay heed to every small thing like layout and design. Avoid using pop-ups.

With an effective landing page, you can grab the attention of a lot of potential customers and turn them into your certified customers. Create, test, modify and deploy your landing pages and see them generating leads and skyrocketing sales.

How to Extract Maximum Performance from 1 Keyword

July 2nd, 2015

Some businesses fail to realize that search engine optimization (SEO) does not bring results over night – rather it’s an ongoing process. Optimizing for single keyword may sound as one of the simplest SEO tasks, but just like all processes it takes time. Businesses who cut corners to seek instant results usually fail at such attempts. Nothing beats hard work and a consistent, strategical process with a clear plan of action.

If you are trying to extract maximum performance from a single keyword, here are the 4 steps you should follow to ensure quality results.

  • Step 1

Keep it simple. You can devote many web pages to only one keyword but not vice-versa.

  • Step 2

Add content to that page. Although SEO has no limit set, you should be setting limits to ensure perfect balance between content and user experience. For instance, you can use a tabbed navigation on a web page to have huge amounts of content rather than throwing at a user’s face a massive page of text. Keep originality and quality in mind.

  • Step 3

This step is the most important. The web page should only talk about that one keyword you want to target. Do not make the mistake of targeting something and writing about another. This will nullify all your efforts. No kidding.

  • Stage 4

Repeat the targeted keyword in your content more times than you repeat any other explanatory words or phrases. This may sound like a common sense, but this step is actually something you should plan out and not just think about only at the time of creating content. If you’re going to craft an article targeting for instance, the keyword “Lamborghini” – make sure not to repeat the word “engine” etc… many times otherwise they will overpower your keyword and this will also cause major search engines to get confused. On the other side, you shouldn’t be stuffing your targeted keyword all over the page more than required either. Balance is the key here. Add just enough to be the most cited word, nothing more.

Optimize the Page

Here is a checklist that can come handy while optimizing a page.

  1. Choose the keyword
  2. Write the page markup
  3. Add a title tag with the exact targeted keyword as the first section. Include a subtle marketing pitch to improve the clickthrough rate as the second section.
  4. Create a description of the page and offerings for the meta description tag.
  5. Link to the page from other web pages on your site that are relevant to your targeted keyword
  6. Get other websites to link directly to the page having keyword as the anchor text. Do this every month and as many times as required.

It’s not the count that’s important. It’s the location and spread of your targeted keyword. Follow the above mentioned steps to maximum performance from 1 keyword.

7 Ultimate Ways to Fix a Negative Business Review of Your Brand

June 15th, 2015

Did you know that one negative review can affect your business’ bottom line?

When we talk about online reputation management, business reviews and ratings take the center stage. As brands live and breathe based on their ratings on Yelp and Google, you wouldn’t want anything which can damage your sales. Here are the 7 ultimate ways to fix any negative reviews that can hurt your business reputation.

1. Revise Your Product & Services

The first step for a business that suffers serious online review issues is: Take a look in the mirror. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes and try to look at things their way – how would you feel and react if you shared their experience dealing with your brand?

Even if you think you’re satisfactory, go an extra mile to make things right. This is an effort you put to ensure future success and a positive reputation.

A single crazy client can tarnish your name online and prejudice other clients to be critical of your company. This can result in your business losing many customers. So, the first step is to address all the issues your customers have.

2. Add Sugar to a Sour Situation

When you get a bad review, try contacting that customer and see if you can make it up to them. Making things right is an excellent opportunity to promote your business, in some cases. Even if it doesn’t turn out as expected, exhibiting a desire to make it up to dissatisfied customers reassures other potential customers that you care about delivering a good experience to them.

3. If You Make Things Right With The Customer, Ask Them To Reconsider The Negative Review

A customer may decide to revise their review or remove it. However, if customers are only unenthusiastically satisfied with your second attempt, or if they like to criticize regardless of you putting your best foot forward to please them, then your best bet is to keep silent and see how it goes.

4. If You Cannot Reverse the Process, Acknowledge It

“Fix it” approach may not always be doable, especially when the service is time-based, or when the product is no longer available.

Even if it is not feasible make it up to a dissatisfied customer for whatever reason, at least try apologizing for his or her bad experience and promise to revise your policies or serve better in the future.

Be polite or at least neutral and decent in your response. This type of expression in a public forum is beneficial because it starts to diffuse your customers’ agony a bit – they at least know their voice has been heard. It tells rest of the people that you care about your customers and value professionalism, which is great when selecting merchants.

As described in point number 2, this could be great for promoting your business.

5. The No-Nonsense Approach

You may be able to make all the unfair reviews disappear. But, unfortunately, it is very common for unhappy ex-employees or vicious competitors to post false reviews about your company.

If you can point out the false review(s), you might be able to make them disappear by getting in touch with the website and requesting intervention.

if you are in a situation where the review is abnormal or a scam, thoroughly read the website policies and if it’s not applicable, contact the site.

6. Temper Down

All companies should expect some negative reviews, but if your overall review portfolio on a website has these in a small percentage compared with positive reviews, then it doesn’t really damage your reputation in most cases. In fact, few negative reviews give your company an authentic identity on a review site.

If your business has very few or no reviews, you should encourage your customers to review you. If you have one or two negative ones, encourage pleased customers to review you to temper down the outliers. Just make sure not to offer customers incentives to post positive reviews.

7. Hire Services That Help You Extract More Reviews

Complaints and negative reviews on Google can harm the potential of any brand. But thankfully, there are many companies out there offering services that help businesses extract reviews from their previous and existing customers. This is particularly beneficial for those businesses that traditionally get fewer online reviews, such as doctors and lawyers. Also, it is crucial to say that there is a myth surrounding the removal of bad reviews (particularly the guaranteed removal of unwanted content). Certain reputation management service providers clarify this misunderstanding through their Guaranteed Removals review.

In some cases, these services allow you to seize a negative review before it goes public, so that you can address the issue with your customer, first.

The Final Word

Don’t ignore the importance of customer service. Pay attention to the lowest reviews as well as the average or mediocre ones. This feedback platform is a valuable source of information for your business, helping you to fine-tune it – until it is world class and makes your customers extremely pleased.

So, even though a negative review can be a real hard blow on your face, take it as a caution light and appreciate how it may be encourage your business operations to improve.